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WP3. Task 3. Processes of acquisition and learning
- Understand the processes involved in L2 acquisition and learning
- Identify the cognitive, linguistic, interactional, technological and social factors influencing teaching and learning (different types of knowledge (language(s), sciences, mathematics, vocational knowledge)
- Model the interactional dimension of teaching and learning and the impact of different interactional formats on learning
- Study the specific characteristics of teaching and learning in various institutional, professional and technological contexts
Various settings in which learning takes place have been explored by ASLAN members, such as in school, at the university (Bouchard & Parpette, 2009) out of school (Billiez & Lambert, 2005), at distance, within computer-mediated communication (Rivens-Mompean & Guichon, 2009). Moreover, acquisition concerning concepts of the everyday and scientific world has been also explored (Carol, 2008; Sensevy et al., 2008).
This task also tackles several issues related to multilingualism and L2 acquisition. The impact of various formats of interaction on L2 acquisition and on learning in general has been discussed (Bouchard, 2005, Marttunen et al., 2005). In parallel, comparative studies on the linguistic practices of migrants in Europe are currently being carried out (Akinci & Decool-Mercier, 2010).
Description of work and criteria of achievement
- Develop qualitative and quantitative studies of 1) L2 acquisition ; 2) scientific, mathematical and vocational knowledge learning, on longitudinal corpora
- Develop interactional approaches to acquisition and to scientific and vocational learning (with Task 3.2)
- Study L2 acquisition and learning of scientific and mathematical knowledge in a variety of activities (including different activities at school), highlighting the facilitating contexts, ecologies and interactional formats fostering in situ acquisition of forms
- Study L2 acquisition and learning of vocational knowledge and skills in a variety of social settings, describing the contrasting features of formal vs. informal contexts, of instructed learning in the school, immersive learning and natural acquisition in everyday life and at work
- Study teachers’ professional discourse, especially in an interactional perspective, and their informal methods and strategies for acquiring didactic and pedagogical skills ( in particular professional and voluntary teachers working in extracurricular interlingual situations or in adult training)
- Study language teachers’ professional development with computer-mediated communication tools and distance learning tools
- Study L2 acquisition and the multilingual practices of migrant speakers; explore the interplay between identity and trajectories of learning, study migrant families as a locus of L1, L2, and L3 acquisition (with Task 3.1)
- Relate language teaching and learning to the interplay between language knowledge and subject content knowledge in different types of institutional immersive learning contexts
- Study teachers’ discourse in different University subjects and the behavior of foreign students in response to this discourse (note-taking, re-reading notes, preparing documents put at their disposal)
- Study the role of gestures in language acquisition and teaching and learning of scientific and vocational knowledge and skills
- Study the specificities of teaching and learning of minority and endangered languages (with Task 2.3)
Some recent works
Blanc, N. Griggs, P. (2010). Reformulations et apprentissages dans le contexte plurisémiotique d’une classe de langue étrangère. In Rabatel, A. (éd) Reformulations polysémiotiques en situation de formation didactique et professionnelle. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté. 169-190
Bouchard, R. et Parpette, C. (2012), Littéracie universitaire et oralographisme : le cours magistral entre écrit et oral. Pratiques 153/154, Metz, CRESEF
Coppé S., Dorier J.-L., Yavuz I. (2007) De l’usage des tableaux de valeurs et des tableaux de variations dans l’enseignement de la notion de fonction en France en seconde. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques 27:2, 151-186
Guichon, N., Bétrancourt, M., Prié, Y. (2012). Managing written and oral negative feedback in a synchronous online teaching situation. Computer assisted language learning 25:2, 181–197
Le Hebel F., Montpied P. & Tiberghien A. (sous presse) Analyse des réponses d’élèves lors de l’évaluation de la culture scientifique par PISA en France. Recherches en Didactique.
Lambert P., Costa J., Dompmartin-Normand C., & Guirand J. (2011) Engager la conversation exolingue à l’école. L’intercompréhension à l’épreuve des interactions orales. In F.-J. Meissner, P. Capucho, C. Degache, A. Martins, D. Spiţa & M. Tost (Eds.), Intercomprehension: Learning, teaching, research., pp.301-318. Tübingen: Narr Verlag.
Poyet, F., Develotte, C. (2011) L’éducation à l’heure du numérique : état des lieux, enjeux et perspectives. Lyon, INRP.
Rivière V., Cicurel F. (2008). De l'interaction en classe à l'action revécue : le clair-obscur de l'action enseignante. In Filliettaz L, Schubauer-Leoni M.-L. (éds), Processus interactionnels et situations éducatives, pp. 255-273. Bruxelles : De Boeck
Tiberghien, A., & Sensevy, G. (sous presse). Video studies: Time and duration in the teaching-learning processes In J. Dillon & D. Jorde (Eds.), Handbook « The World of Science Education” volume 4, pp. 141-179. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers
Veillard, L. (sous presse). Transfer of Learning as a specific case of transition between learning contexts in a French work-integrated learning program. Vocations and Learning.